Great War Territorial Volunteer – Percy Longfield

We welcome Library and Digital Assistant Becky Bavill this week on the Secret Library Leeds, who follows up her superb three-part investigation of a First World War diary with a short biography of another Leeds soldier of the time. Keep a look out for two more articles in this series coming soon… Percy Longfield is…

A mysterious diary from the Great War (Part 3 of 3)

We welcome Library and Digital Assistant Becky Bavill back to the Secret Library this week, for a brilliantly-researched story to mark Armed Forces Day on June 29. This is the third and final part of a three part series that has run throughout June, alongside a full programme of Leeds Libraries events. You can find…

A mysterious diary from the Great War (Part 2 of 3)

We welcome Library and Digital Assistant Becky Bavill back to the Secret Library this week, for a brilliantly-researched story to mark Armed Forces Day on June 29. This is the second part of a three part series that will run throughout June, alongside a full programme of Leeds Libraries events. You can find all three…

A mysterious diary from the Great War (Part 1 of 3)

We welcome Library and Digital Assistant Becky Bavill back to the Secret Library this week, for a brilliantly-researched story to mark Armed Forces Day on June 29. This is the first part of a three part series that will run throughout June, alongside a full programme of Leeds Libraries events. You can find all three…

Dancing into History

We hear from Library and Digital Assistant Becky Bavill this week, who brings us a fantastic piece that is combines genealogy with a true crime twist… Arthur Morris, son of Samuel and Harriet was born in 1859.  He had 5 siblings.  Although the 1881 census had him working alongside his father in the family boot…

The Mystery of the Missing Author (s)

This week we hear from Becky Bavill, Library and Digital Assistant, who brings us a quick, but perplexing and intriguing, look at the mystery of a Leeds author of romantic fiction… You can hear much more about the broader history of romantic fiction in an upcoming talk, taking place at the Central Library on the…

Celebrating a decade of the Secret Library Leeds: 2014 – 2024

This week Librarian Antony Ramm looks back on a special anniversary for the Secret Library blog… “I go into my library and all history unrolls before me.” Alexander Smith The Secret Library Leeds officially launched on Friday February 7 2014 – exactly ten years ago today (to the minute: 3.29pm). Ten years! A full decade,…

Taking inspiration from Terry Pratchett

In this article Library and Digital Assistant Becky Bavill points us towards some sources of Terry Pratchett’s creativity in the Central Library collections. This article is part of our series on the current Fantasy: Realms of Imagination exhibition, taking place at the Central Library until January 2024… You can’t talk about fantasy without talking about…